Margaret Barton-Burke

Margaret Barton-Burke, the Mary Ann Lee Endowed Professor in the College of Nursing at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, was recently elected to serve a two-year term with the Oncology Nursing Society at its 35th annual congress in San Diego.

Barton-Burke, of St. Louis, said she feels honored and privileged to have the opportunity to serve on the ONS board of directors.

“I am excited to be a part of this incredibly important organization that represents 36,000 oncology nurses across the United States,” Barton-Burke said. “I greatly believe in this organization’s core values of integrity, innovation, stewardship, advocacy, excellence and inclusiveness, and look forward to helping further ONA’s mission.”

Barton-Burke joined the UMSL faculty in 2008. She earned her bachelor’s degree in nursing from William Paterson College in Wayne, N.J., her master’s degree in teaching specialty and oncology nursing from Boston University and her doctorate in psychosocial nursing from University of Rhode Island in Kingston.

ONS members are a diverse group of professionals who represent a variety of professional roles, practice settings and subspecialty practice areas.

Registered nurses, including staff nurses, advanced practice nurses, case managers, educators, researchers, and consultants, as well as other healthcare professionals, benefit from membership. The society offers useful information and opportunities for nurses at all levels, in all practice settings and in all subspecialties.

More information:

Nursing professor elected to Oncology Nursing Society board