Charles Schmitz (left) and John Hylton were honored during their joint retirement party last week at UMSL.

As a new semester begins, the University of Missouri–St. Louis bids farewell to two longtime deans as they embark on the next chapter in their lives. One will re-enter the classroom and the other will continue research as one half of “America’s Love and Marriage Experts.”

John Hylton, dean of the College of Fine Arts and Communication, and Charles Schmitz, dean of the College of Education, were honored during a joint retirement reception last week at UMSL.

Faculty members from both colleges presented the two with gifts and recalled stories of their tenure, both touching and humorous.

“Both of these amazing men end their deanships on a high note, leaving behind outstanding legacies,” said UMSL Chancellor Tom George. “UMSL, the College of Fine Arts and Communication and the College of Education are what they are today because of the dedication, vision and hard work of John and Charley.”

Hylton was named dean in Sept. 2002, after serving a year as interim dean. He is the first dean for the college, which was formed in September 2001. Hylton has returned to his faculty position in the college’s Department of Music. He has been on UMSL’s faculty since 1980, and was chair of the Department of Music from 1995 to 2000. He also served as interim associate vice chancellor for Academic Affairs and director of Fine Arts Outreach.

“I enjoyed my time as the dean of the College of Fine Arts and Communication, and I am already enjoying my work back in the Department of Music,” he said. “Best wishes to Jim Richards as he leads the college as interim dean–he is doing a great job and I am confident that will continue throughout his tenure.”

Richards, professor of music, has begun his duties as interim dean.

Schmitz became dean of the College of Education in 1996. Known to many simply as “Charley,” he also became known as the “technology dean” and is credited with bringing technology, innovation and funding to the college.

Schmitz came to UMSL from Baylor University in Waco, Texas, where he served as dean and professor. From 1970 through 1993 he held several teaching positions at the University of Missouri–Columbia.

Schmitz, who with his wife, Liz, has successfully published three books, plans to continue researching and writing on the topics of love and relationships. They are known as the “America’s Love and Marriage Experts.”

“Looking back on my time at UMSL, I’m overcome with emotion,” he said. “Making the College of Education the 21st Century College of Education was a vision of mine 14 years ago, and seeing that vision come to life has given me great satisfaction and pride. I’m now ready to step aside and allow the visions of others to be achieved.”

Kathleen Haywood, associate dean of graduate education, will serve as interim dean.

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Eye on UMSL: A Taste of Latin America

Associate Teaching Professor Tim Abeln showed students how to make picadillo de chayote during a National Foreign Language Week event hosted by the Department of Language and Cultural Studies.

Eye on UMSL: A Taste of Latin America

Associate Teaching Professor Tim Abeln showed students how to make picadillo de chayote during a National Foreign Language Week event hosted by the Department of Language and Cultural Studies.

Eye on UMSL: A Taste of Latin America

Associate Teaching Professor Tim Abeln showed students how to make picadillo de chayote during a National Foreign Language Week event hosted by the Department of Language and Cultural Studies.