The Whitney R. Harris World Ecology Center at the University of Missouri–St. Louis will present, “What Drives the 10-year cycle of Snowshoe Hares in Canada’s Yukon,” at 4 p.m. on Sept. 21 in 111 Benton Hall at UMSL. The lecture will be given by Charles Krebs, emeritus professor of zoology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Snowshoe Hares resemble rabbits and live throughout northern North America. The lecture is free and open to the public.

Krebs has studied the population and community ecology of vertebrates in the boreal forest and tundra ecosystems of northern Canada for 41 years, concentrating on voles, lemmings and snowshoe hares. His scientific passion is to carry out large-scale field experiments to test hypotheses about the ecological processes affecting populations and communities in northern Canada. In his spare time he writes ecology textbooks, and has recently published “The Ecological World View” (2008) and “Ecology” (6th edition, 2009).

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