Joyce Mushaben, professor of political science at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, will discuss “Women in Decision-Making in the European Union: The Wonders of Critical Mass” as the latest lecture in the “Women, Gender and Political Institutions” speaker series. Mushaben will provide concrete examples of “the difference that difference makes” based on policy developments in the European Union and its 27 member-states over the last three decades. She will demonstrate that women need not attain parity, but rather only “critical mass” in order to pull off the kind of “critical acts” that can change both the political rules of the game and policy content.

The lecture is free and open to the public. It will begin at 7 p.m. tonight in the Student Government Center, Millennium Student Center at UMSL, One University Blvd.  in St. Louis County (63121). The series is sponsored by the following at UMSL: Sue Shear Institute for Women in Public Life, Gender Studies Program, Center for International Studies and Department of Political Science.

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