A series focused on Japanese television will kick off at the University of Missouri–St. Louis with “I Want to be Cinderella” at 5 p.m. Nov. 10 in 331 Social Studies & Business Building at UMSL. Free pizza and soda will be served.

Laura Miller, the Ei’ichi Shibusawa-Seigo Arai Endowed Professor of Japanese Studies and professor of anthropology at UMSL, will introduce the movie, providing background detail and context.

“I Want to be Cinderella” uses the theme of Cinderella to highlight the power of self-transformation through the story of a young man who works in a hamburger shop. The message of the drama is that true self-transformation is about internal confidence-building and not external appearance.

Japan Drama Nights will be held throughout December and will feature Japanese TV movies and shows.

The lecture is sponsored by the Ei’ichi Shibusawa-Seigo Arai Endowed Professor of Japanese Studies at UMSL.

A parking permit is required for all visitors to UMSL. To request your free permit, a campus map and to make a reservation, see contact information below.

More information:
http://www.cfis-umsl.com or 314-516-7299
