Artist Brigham Dimick with part of “Waxworks 2,” a series of three self-portraits that include observation hives with live honeybees. The art is on display through Oct. 1 at UMSL's Gallery 210.

Veronique LaCapra, science reporter at St. Louis Public Radio | 90.7 FM, went to the crossroads of science and art for her latest story on a Gallery 210 exhibit at the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Her story “UMSL exhibition explores the nexus of art and science” focuses on “Exposure 14.”

The artists featured in the annual Gallery 210 exhibit always share in common their ties to the St. Louis region. But the work by this year’s trio of “Exposure” artists also “blurs the lines between art and science,” as the St. Louis Public Radio story points out.

LaCapra’s sound portrait of the exhibit features interviews with artists Brigham Dimick, Greg Edmondson and Ronald Leax, as well as Gallery 210 Director Terry Suhre.

If the St. Louis Public Radio story captured your interest in viewing the free exhibit, don’t delay your visit to UMSL’s Gallery 210. Saturday (Oct. 1) is the last day to view the exhibit.

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