Vicki Sauter, professor of information system, discusses security on Facebook.

Adding personal information such as an e-mail or cell number to your Facebook  profile is safe, right? Only your accepted friends will be able to see it.  Or can others?

Vicki Sauter, professor of information systems at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, was interviewed by KMOV (Channel 4) about a recent report released by the University of British Columbia that suggest the security on Facebook is weak even with privacy settings. The story aired Nov. 7.

“People believe if you put it on Facebook, it stays in Facebook and it’s safe,” Sauter told KMOV. “What this is doing is just proving that anything on the Internet, is on the Internet and it’s there forever. Somebody gets it, somebody keeps it. It’s there forever and all kinds of people can access it that you never intended to access it.”
