Terry Jones, professor of political science at UMSL, will be one of four panelists examining the prospect of St. Louis re-entering St. Louis County. The panel discussion will be Tuesday in 202 J.C. Penney Conference Center at UMSL.

St. Louis separated from St. Louis County 135 years ago. Many conversations since then have centered on a possible reunification. Most recently, the topic has been popular in political campaigns and the news media.

But are the citizens and St. Louis-area government leaders ready to explore this possibility?

A panel will discuss the possibility of St. Louis re-entering St. Louis County from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday (Nov. 15) in 202 J.C. Penney Conference Center at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, 1 University Blvd. in St. Louis County (63121). The event is free and open to the public.

Terry Jones, professor of political science at UMSL, will be one of four panelists. He examined the key issues related to this prospective reunion in his recently published policy brief “Reconciling the Great Divorce: The City of St. Louis Re-entering St. Louis County.”

Other panelists will include:

  • Mike Jones, senior policy adviser to the St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley
  • Lyda Krewson, St. Louis alderwoman, Ward 28
  • Frank Hamsher, public policy and communications consultant

The panel will explore the following:

  • Should the city of St. Louis re-enter St. Louis County 135 years after the “Great Divorce of 1876”?
  • What is the process of the city re-entering the county?
  • What issues would need to be resolved?
  • What might be the consequences?
  • What alternatives are there for closer city-county cooperation?

The discussion is part of the Community Partnership Project Seminar Series at UMSL. Call 314-516-6392 or e-mail lubischerk@umsl.edu for more information.
