UMSL students Sheena Crompton (left, black stripes) and Jenna Waldschmidt (center, red) talk with students Wednesday on the bridge to the Millennium Student Center about the International Business Career Conference. The 4th annual conference for students will take place March 2. (Photo by August Jennewein)
Do you want a career in international business? See yourself traveling the global? Attend the fourth annual University of Missouri–St. Louis International Business Career Conference March 2 in the J.C. Penney Building/Conference Center at UMSL. The conference, “Launching Your Global Career,” will run from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and includes a series of workshops, speakers and panel discussions.
Susan Lang, senior vice president and chief supply chain officer at Express Scripts, is the keynote speaker. Lang oversees the operations of managed care and patient safety, while handling more than $40 billion in pharmacy-related spending. Express Scripts is the highest-ranking Fortune 500 company in Missouri and largest public company in St. Louis, with revenue of nearly $45 billion.
UMSL’s annual International Business Career Conference allows students the opportunity to connect with professionals and learn about career opportunities.
In addition to Lang’s keynote speak, the conference will also include:
A panel discussions with local international business executives
Informative workshops on international business issues and the job market
One-on-one interviews with executives from major international companies
Numerous networking opportunities for students, faculty and businesses
The International Business Career Conference is open to all college students and sponsored by the International Business Honor Society, the International Business Institute and College of Business Administration at UMSL.
Lunch will be provided. The conference is free, but registration is required.
To registration or for more information, visit umsl.edu/ibcc/index.html