Dr. Sharon Dunski Vermont will discuss her forthcoming first book, “Gratitude Experiment,” at noon Feb. 24 in the Provincial House on UMSL’s South Campus.

What started as a lesson of gratefulness for Dr. Sharon Dunski Vermont’s two young daughters, developed into a journey for her children to meet 30 people and learn their life stories.

Vermont, a practicing pediatrician in Hazelwood, Mo., introduced her family to people with different backgrounds, including a teen mom, a woman who gave her daughter up for adoption, a woman whose family had turned their backs on her because she was gay, a family with an infant suffering from a brain tumor, a family who lost everything due to job loss, and survivors of the Holocaust and Bosnian war.

This project has now become Vermont’s forthcoming first book, “Gratitude Experiment.”  She will discuss her experience writing the book at noon Feb. 24 in the Provincial House the South Campus of the University of Missouri–St. Louis.

The discussion will kick off the release launch of the 12th issue of “Bellerive,” the annual creative publication produced by the Pierre Laclede Honors College. This year’s publication, “Synesthesia,” is made up of original, unpublished work by UMSL students and faculty.

Copies of “Synesthesia” will be available for purchase for $7 each or two for $12.
