Dan P. McAdams, the Charles Deering McCormick Professor of Teaching Excellence at Northwestern University will discuss “The Stories Americans Live By” at 3 p.m. April 25 at UMSL.

Americans have long been known as storytellers. From tales passed on in living rooms to comprehensive genealogy, the need to share information with future generations is essential.

Dan P. McAdams, the Charles Deering McCormick Professor of Teaching Excellence at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill., will discuss “The Stories Americans Live By” at 3 p.m. April 25 in the Boeing Auditorium in the E. Desmond Lee Technology and Learning Center, 100 Marillac Hall on UMSL’s South Campus.

McAdams is an expert in narrative psychology, generativity and adult development, themes of power, intimacy and redemption in human lives, modernity and the self, autobiographical memory and psychological biography.

He will talk about historical texts and contemporary life stories to demonstrate how redemption is a key theme of middle-aged Americans.

The lecture is sponsored by the Center for Character and Citizenship and the College of Education at UMSL.

The event is free and open to the public. Reservations are required. To reserve a spot or for more information, email Lisa Dorner at dornerl@umsl.edu.
