The University of Missouri–St. Louis makes a significant impact on the St. Louis area. Stories about the university, its scholars and their expertise are often covered by local and national news media.

Media Coverage highlights some of the top coverage, but does not serve as a comprehensive listing. This post will be updated with new highlights throughout the month and beyond.

Marvin Berkowitz, the Sanford N. McDonnell Endowed Professor of Character Education, was quoted in the March St. Louis Magazine article “Can rewards motivate kids to learn?

Bill Connett, professor emeritus of mathematics and computer science, was quoted March 24 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “Colleges more often hiring part-timers.”

Provost Glen Hahn Cope was quoted March 24 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “Colleges more often hiring part-timers.”

Susan Crowe, lecturer in art history, was quoted March 24 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “Colleges more often hiring part-timers.”

David Kimball, associate professor of political science, was quoted March 5 in the NPR story “Caucus confusion: A recurring headache for GOP.” Kimball was quoted March 7 in The Examiner (Washington, D.C.) article “Romney still struggling to win over conservatives.” He was quoted March 6 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “Missouri, Illinois presidential contests likely to remain relevant.”

Haim Mano, associate professor of marketing, was quoted March 4 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “St. Louis companies rush to ride Pinterest wave.”

Robert Marquis, professor of biology, was quoted March 30 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “Mosquitoes, ticks spring up early in wake of mild winter.”

Joe Martinich, professor of operations management, was quoted March 2 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “St. Louis’ big pension problem demands drastic solution.”

Tom Meuser, director of the gerontology graduate program, was quoted March 6 in the St. Louis Beacon article “Young olds? Turns out not all seniors are created equal.”

Deborah Moberly, associate professor of teaching and learning, discussed factors to consider when selecting a pre-school, day care or caregiver for pre-school age children March 6 on “St. Louis on the Air,” a program on St. Louis Public Radio | 90.7 FM.

Alumnus Brian Owens (BM 2008) discussed his first nationally released recording and preview concert March 2 on “Cityscape,” a program on St. Louis Public Radio | 90.7 FM.

Kim Rensing, adjunct lecturer in criminology and criminal justice, was quoted March 24 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “Colleges more often hiring part-timers.”

David Robertson, professor of political science, discussed Super Tuesday and the Missouri caucuses March 7 on “St. Louis on the Air,” a program on St. Louis Public Radio | 90.7 FM.

Vicki Sauter, professor of information systems, was quoted March 16 in the St. Louis Business Journal article “Advanced IT employees ride St. Louis surge.”

Dayna Stock, manager of the Sue Shear Institute for Women in Public Life, was quoted March 16 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “Women lag far behind men for elected office in Missouri.”

Kathleen Sullivan Brown, associate professor of educational leadership and policy studies, discussed Missouri’s school transfer law March 11 on KTVI (Channel 2).

Todd Swanstrom, the E. Desmond Lee Endowed Professor of Community Collaboration and Public Policy Administration, was featured in March 8 in the St. Louis Beacon article “Win-win: Art and communities build on each other.”

Mark Tranel, director of the Public Policy Research Center, was quoted March 6 in the St. Louis Beacon article “Young olds? Turns out not all seniors are created equal.”

Mel Watkin, director of the Public Policy Research Center Photography Project, was featured in March 8 in the St. Louis Beacon article “Win-win: Art and communities build on each other.”

Ron Yasbin, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, was quoted March 9 in the Eureka-Wildwood (Mo.) Patch article “Budding scientist receives excellence award.”
