(Image by Jane Ades, National Human Genome Research Institute/genome.gov)

Genomics is an area of genetics that involves the study of the genomes or full genetic content of organisms. The goal of sequencing genomes includes understanding biological processes at the molecular level and how drugs work.

The University of Missouri­–St. Louis will host a half-day symposium on genomics from 1–5 p.m. Sept. 28 in 104 Stadler Hall at UMSL.

Attendees will hear from three experts in the field.

  • David Wang, Washington University in St. Louis, “Genomic Approaches to Virus Discovery”
  • Pui-Yan Kwokm, University of California–San Francisco, “From Studying Large Cohorts to Analyzing Single Molecules”
  • Peter A. Sims, Columbia University, “Microreactor Arrays for Sequencing, Digital PCR and Single Cell Analysis”

The speakers will describe specific studies that use genomics. They include virus discovery, single molecule and single cell studies.

The symposium is free and open to the public. It is sponsored by the Biochemistry and Biotechnology Program at UMSL.

For more information call 314-516-5313 or email lempd@umsl.edu

