UMSL Chancellor Tom George (left) receives a gift of student artwork from Shuaib A. Shuaib, president of Gulf University for Science and Technology in Kuwait, at GUST's commencement ceremony in October.
University of Missouri–St. Louis Chancellor Tom George traveled more than 7,000 miles this fall to help one of UMSL’s international partners mark its 10-year anniversary.
The Gulf University of Science and Technology in Kuwait was founded in 2002. UMSL is an international partner to GUST. While UMSL doesn’t sponsor or run GUST, UMSL faculty members do provide strategic and course planning.
George made the trip in mid-October with Joel Glassman, associate provost and director of the Office of International Studies and Programs at UMSL. Glassman makes the journey at least twice a year, and this was George’s second visit to GUST.
George delivered the commencement address, to the delight of the hundreds of graduating students.
“It was great to get a first-hand look at the partnership and to see the positive impact GUST is having on the people of Kuwait,” he said.
UMSL officials devoted part of their visit to getting a progress report on GUST activities and developments.
“We talked about new construction that they are planning and new degree programs that they are hoping to offer,” Glassman said.
Glassman and George didn’t return from their travels empty-handed. They brought back mementos from GUST President Shuaib A. Shuaib, who gave them pieces of art created by GUST students. The painted tiles are a traditional form of Arab artwork.