Leadership Academy in Character Education

The Leadership Academy in Character Education is a yearlong professional development program for education leaders. On Dec. 4, LACE graduates participated in peer-group discussions at Glen Echo Country Club in Normandy, Mo.

The photo (from left): Becky Skillern, dean of William Holliday Elementary in Fairview Heights, Ill.; Jonathan Lee, teacher at Mark Twain Elementary School in Brentwood, Mo.; Andrea Deane, principal of Beasley Elementary in south St. Louis County; Julianne Woodle, coordinator of the Lindbergh Early Childhood Center in south St. Louis County; Christine Simokaitis, principal of Seckman Elementary in Imperial, Mo.; and Jeff Schultz, assistant principal at the Lincoln Elementary School in Troy, Mo.

LACE is offered by the Center for Character and Citizenship, which is housed in the College of Education at the University of Missouri–St. Louis.

The photograph was taken by UMSL photographer August Jennewein and is the latest to be featured in Eye on UMSL.

Tom Hockett

Tom Hockett

Eye on UMSL: Friends in high places

The UMSL Alumni Association recognized elected officials from St. Louis County, the City of St. Louis and the state of Missouri for their support of the university and higher education.