Chancellor's Certificate in Volunteer Management at UMSLThe University of Missouri–St. Louis Nonprofit Management & Leadership Program, in partnership with Metropolitan Volunteer Management Association, introduces the St. Louis area’s first Chancellor’s Certificate in Volunteer Management. The first workshop within the program is on March 22, and additional courses are in June and September of this year.

“MVMA members know that volunteer management is a formal profession with best practices and specialized knowledge,” said Kim Westerman, MVMA president and volunteer & internship coordinator at the Magic House. “By offering this certificate in association with UMSL, our colleagues now have a way to demonstrate that they have a desire and commitment to taking their careers to the next level.”

In order to obtain the noncredit chancellor’s certificate, individuals must enroll in, and complete, 16 or more hours of training in classes and/or events that are produced as part of the collaboration between MVMA and NPML program. This certificate program is open to all interested participants. Individuals do not need to be members of MVMA; however, members will receive discounts on registration fees. Also, the 16 hours of training needed to earn the certificate do not need to be completed within a certain time frame. Classes and training that count toward the certificate can be accumulated over an extended amount of time.

“The Nonprofit Management and Leadership program recognizes that volunteer management is, in one form or another, vital to almost every kind of nonprofit organization,” said Dan Sise, instructor and community engagement manager for UMSL’s NPML program. “In offering this Chancellor’s Certificate in Volunteer Management, we hope to further enhance and support the important work being done by the volunteer managers and coordinators in nonprofit organizations.”

The first workshop within the certificate program is 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on March 22 and titled “Understanding Current Trends to Improve Volunteer Recruiting.” This course explores the recession’s impact on volunteering and how it shapes the climate of volunteering today. Questions addressed will include: How does the current state of the economy affect the recruitment of new volunteers and the retention of pre-recession recruits? How can you successfully recruit the right volunteers to fill your organization’s needs with a new generation of prospective volunteers and how do you recruit them using new technological trends?

The registration fee is discounted to $50 for MVMA members; regular registration is $75 for non-members. For more information, and to register for the first course, visit or call 314-516-6590.

About the NPML program: The NPML program has enabled hundreds of nonprofit professionals to help others more efficiently and effectively. Guided today by academic experts and an advisory board comprising some of the most respected names in the nonprofit sector in the region, NPML is constantly evolving to meet the needs of the independent sector through a variety of programs. For more information, visit

About MVMA: MVMA is a professional organization comprised of professionals who are employed in the field of volunteer management. Membership in MVMA ensures that members are well-equipped to lead their agencies and communities in the call to service and community enhancement. For more information, please visit
