The University of Missouri–St. Louis makes a significant impact on the St. Louis area. Stories about the university, its scholars and their expertise are often covered by local and national news media. Media Coverage highlights some of the top coverage, but does not serve as a comprehensive listing.

Peter Abel, senior lecturer in communication, wrote the June 12 St. Louis Public Radio | 90.7 KWMU commentary “Today’s young adults: Cynics, activists or a little of both?

Nasser Arshadi, vice provost for research, was quoted June 17 in the St. Louis Public Radio | 90.7 KWMU story “Sequestration budget cuts hit St. Louis scientists.”

Jason Atkins, research associate for the Center for Nanoscience, was quoted June 3 in the R&D Magazine article “Biochemists develop new technology to transfer DNA into cells.”

Alumna Christy Ayala, BA Spanish 2003, wrote the June 19 Arizona Republic (Phoenix) article “How to swim to exercise shoulder strength.”

Teresa Balestreri, director of career services, was quoted June 10 in the West (St. Louis County) Newsmagazine article “No room at the top: Graduates with top-tier degrees find fewer openings, increasing debt.”

Carole Basile, dean of the College of Education, was quoted June 1 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial “Troubled Normandy School District has run out of excuses.” Basile was quoted June 18 for the St. Louis Beacon article “Teacher-prep programs get poor grades in new survey.” She was quoted June 27 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “Missouri’s support for private online university is questioned.”

BC Biermann, assistant professor of media studies and art, was featured June 24 in the St. Louis Business Journal article “UMSL expanding social media, digital marketing programs.”

Steven Bruce, director for the Center for Trauma Recover, was quoted June 7 in the Reuters article “Sexual problems may linger after rape.”

Michael Costello, assistant teaching professor of legal studies at UMSL, was featured in the June 23 issue of Ladue News for his participation in the annual Old Newsboys Day charity.

Matthew Diamond, a senior anthropology major, was quoted June 18 in the St. Charles (Mo.) Suburban Journal article “Students sift through history.”

Perry Drake, assistant teaching professor of business administration, was featured June 24 in the St. Louis Business Journal article “UMSL expanding social media, digital marketing programs.”

Tara Galovski, assistant professor of psychology, was quoted June 7 in the Reuters article “Sexual problems may linger after rape.”

Chancellor Tom George was quoted June 18 in the Fire Wireless article “Gary Forsee, former CEO of Sprint Nextel – Where are they now?

Joel Glassman, director of the Office of International Studies and Programs, discussed the newly formed U.S.-China Youth Leadership Exchange on the June 12 episode of “St. Louis on the Air,” a program on St. Louis Public Radio | 90.7 KWMU.

Karl Guenther, senior research specialist for the Public Policy Research Center, was featured June 10 in the St. Louis Business Journal article “Announcing: The 2013 class of 30 Under 30 honorees.”

Alumnus Matthew Huber, BM 2003, was featured June 11 in the WOWK (Channel 13) (Charleston, W.Va.) story “Shepherd University names new director of admissions.” He was featured June 11 in The State Journal (Charleston, W.Va.) article “Shepherd University names new director of admissions.”

Beth Huebner, associate professor of criminology and criminal justice, was quoted June 18 in The Huntsville (Texas) Item article “SHSU CJ summit allows professionals to share information.”

Dan Isom, Endowed Professor in Policing and Community, was quoted June 20 in The St. Louis American article “Pastor launches initiative to reduce violence.”

Farida Jalalzai, associate professor of political science, was quoted June 23 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “Making St. Louis home: The Bosnian resettlement, 20 years later.”

Alumnus Jason Jan, BSBA 1999, was featured June 27 in the St. Louis Beacon article “St. Louis hopes immigrants will find beauty in Mosaic.”

Elizabeth Kellogg, the E. Desmond Lee Endowed Professor of Botanical Studies, was quoted June 17 in the St. Louis Public Radio | 90.7 KWMU story “Sequestration budget cuts hit St. Louis scientists.”

Keith Miller, Orthwein Endowed Professor for Lifelong Learning the Sciences, wrote the June Computer article “Big data: New opportunities and new challenges.”

Mike Murray, Curators’ Teaching Professor of Media Studies, was quoted June 25 in the TVNewsCheck article “Nervousness over local news consolidation.”

Gwendolyn Packnett, assistant vice chancellor for academic affairs, was quoted June 10 in the West (St. Louis County) Newsmagazine article “Mature focus: Volunteers honored for serving seniors.”

Zach Petzel, a senior psychology major, was featured June 21 in the Vox Magazine (Columbia, Mo.) article “See this: A Big Sad Whale at The Bridge.”

Mark Pope, chair of the Department of Counseling and Family Therapy, was featured June 11 in the Claremont-Laverne (Calif.) Patch article “ULV Professor: Challenges numerous for LGBT immigrants.”

Alumna Brighton Ranney, MAcc 2012, was featured June 10 in the Clayton-Richmond Heights (Mo.) Patch article “UMSL alumna earns Elijah Watt Sells Award.”

Robert Ricklefs, Curators’ Professor of Biology, was quoted June 18 in the Deccan Herald (Bangalore, India) article “Who clipped the penguin’s wings?

J. Martin Rochester, Curators’ Teaching Professor of Political Science, was quoted June 13 in the St. Louis Jewish Light article “Reeling in the years: Watching decades-long conflict through the lens of Israeli film.”

Will Rogers, associate professor of economics, was quoted June 9 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “Affordability should drive house hunting.”

David Rose, professor of economics, was interviewed on June 5 by Mark Reardon on KMOX (1120 AM).

Rick Rosenfeld, Curators’ Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, was quoted June 12 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “Outrage after bloody night in St. Louis leaves 17 shot, one stabbed.” Rosenfeld was quoted June 2 in the Portland (Maine) Press Herald article “Domestic violence reports up in Maine.” Alumna Lisa Sample, BS 1996, MA 1998 and PhD criminology and criminal justice 2001, wrote the June 3 Governing article “Why static, one-size-fits-all school drug-prevention programs don’t work.”

Wally Siewert, director of the Center for Ethics in Public Life, was quoted June 5 in the KMOV (Channel 4) story “St. Louis alderman asks for help from supporters to pay daughter’s tuition.” Siewert wrote the June 18 St. Louis Beacon commentary “Bosley right to put child first – but not to ask others to pay.”

Alumnus Nick Sinanovic, BS mathematics 2006, was quoted June 23 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “Making St. Louis home: The Bosnian resettlement, 20 years later.”

Alumnus Kirk Stowe, MS 1992 and PhD 1997 biology, was featured June 16 in the Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel article “Beacon College biology educator Kirk A. Stowe is buggy about insects.”

Bob Sundvold, head coach of the men’s basketball team, was featured June 29 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “Sundvold wants men’s basketball at UMSL to build on success.”

Todd Swanstrom, the E. Desmond Lee Endowed Professor of Community Collaboration and Public Policy Administration at UMSL, was quoted June 21 in Heartlander magazine (Chicago) “Community Development in St. Louis: Potential for more crony capitalism?

Zuleyma Tang-Martinez, Founders Professor of Biology, was quoted June 14 in the Riverfront Times (University City, Mo.) article “University of Missouri expands health care plan to include LGBT partner benefits.” Tang-Martinez was quoted June 14 in the Vital Voice (St. Louis) article “University of Missouri System expands health care benefits.” She was quoted June 14 in the St. Louis Public Radio | 90.7 KWMU story “University of Missouri System to offer health care benefits to same-sex couples.” Tang-Martinez was featured June 20 in the “Stay Tuned” episode “LGBT Protections and Equity” on KETC (Channel 9).

Kenneth Thomas, professor of political science, wrote the June 1 Business Insider article “Real wages decline again – literally no one notices.” Thomas wrote the June 19 Business Insider article “Researchers debunk the idea that technology causes inequality.” He wrote the June 13 U.S. News and World Report article “A new WPA to create government jobs and lower unemployment.”

Alumnus Lawndale Thomas, BS criminology and criminal justice 1997, was featured June 19 in the KSDK (Channel 5) story “Hazelwood East names new football and basketball coach.”

Mark Tranel, director of the Public Policy Research Center, was mentioned June 27 in the St. Louis Public Radio | 90.7 KWMU story “New initiative aims to spur St. Louis economic growth through immigration.”

Alumnus Kenny Truong, BSBA 2007, was featured June 11 in the Florissant (Mo.) Patch article “The Rice House prepares to expand its Asian fusion offerings.”

Alumna Rebecca Werner, MSN 2006, was featured June 4 in the Pope County (Glenwood, Minn.) Tribune article “GRHS now offers new walk-in clinic.”

Patti Wright, associate professor of anthropology, was quoted June 18 in the St. Charles (Mo.) Suburban Journal article “Students sift through history.”

Media Coverage: February 2025
Media Coverage: February 2025

Stories about the university, its scholars and their expertise are often covered by local and national news media. Media Coverage highlights some of the top stories.

Media Coverage: February 2025

Stories about the university, its scholars and their expertise are often covered by local and national news media. Media Coverage highlights some of the top stories.

Media Coverage: February 2025

Stories about the university, its scholars and their expertise are often covered by local and national news media. Media Coverage highlights some of the top stories.