2013-2014 University Bulletin

Do you know what you want to do with your life, but not sure how to get there? The answer is a click away.

If you’re headed for the University of Missouri–St. Louis next month, the 2013-2014 University Bulletin should be your compass.

“All students should be using the bulletin,” said Glen Cope, UMSL’s provost and vice chancellor of academic affairs. “It’s the official academic record of the university and students entering UMSL this fall will use the listings in this bulletin to graduate.”

The University Bulletin contains listings of regulations, colleges and schools, degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels and every required and elective course you need to take in order to graduate with any given degree. There’s information on internships, cooperatives and interdisciplinary degree programs.

In other words, it’s got everything a student needs to get started, or restarted, or finally complete a degree. And UMSL’s academic advisers, faculty and staff are busy clicking through this year’s version for updates.

The bulletin has been an online-only publication for the last six years. The 2013-2014 version has been created with new academic catalog management software that allows for more accuracy, control and efficiency. Cope said it shaved off several weeks in the completion of the bulletin, a task that takes teams of people months to complete.

“I’d like to thank everyone who reviewed their pages in a timely manner,” Cope said in her announcement July 9. “I realize we had a short time frame and your cooperation ensured that we were able to publish the bulletin and move to the next phase before the beginning of the fall semester. Thanks very much!” 

Eye on UMSL: Three Minute Thesis Competition

Biology PhD student Kristen Rosamond finished third in last week’s 3MT Competition, after presenting her research titled “Seeing the Invisible: The Hidden World of Microbes That Influence Bird Health.”