Chancellor's Award for Excellence recipients - UMSL staff

The staff recipients of the 2013 Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence include (from left) Kelly B. Gregory, Kimberly K.T. Stanger and John M. Burton. They received their awards at the annual State of the University on Sept. 26 at UMSL. (Photo by August Jennewein)

It isn’t only an enthusiastic student body and erudite faculty that make the University of Missouri–St. Louis a daily success, but an excellent staff as well.

UMSL Chancellor Tom George recognized three staff members on Sept. 26 at the annual State of the University Address where he presented them each with the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence.

The awards were established by Chancellor Marguerite Ross Barnett in 1988 and have become a university tradition to recognize the excellent work and commitment given daily by UMSL faculty and staff.

Kelly Gregory, senior multimedia specialist at the Missouri Institute of Mental Health, received the 2013 Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in an Administrative/Professional position.

With a statewide audience and the need to be more cost effective, Kelly developed a four-format approach to communicating the MIMH message to hundreds of people. More than any traditional audio/visual guy he is the ultimate problem solver and has become a de facto network administrator, web designer, marketer, public speaker, buyer, installer and program coordinator.

“I have never met anyone who has willingly and intentionally taken on a wider variety of tasks,” said Thom Pancella, project director of MIMH outreach, in his nomination letter for Gregory.

Pancella repeatedly described Gregory’s “versatility” and how it resulted in innovative solutions that were both financially feasible and successful at engaging the community.

Kimberly Stanger, administrative assistant in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, received the 2013 Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Office/Technical Support.

Students credit Stanger with helping them complete their undergraduate degrees and get into graduate school. Multiple academic advisers, textbook vendors and publishers find Stanger organized, efficient and resourceful. New assistant professors rely on her to have the answers and keep the department in order.

“Sometimes she has to spend a lot of time trying to find answers to our questions,” said Galina Piatnitskaia, teaching professor in math, of Stanger in a recommendation letter. “However, I never saw her irritated with that. Quite the opposite, she creates a very warm and friendly atmosphere in our department.”

John Burton, maintenance service attendant, recipient of the 2013 Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Service/Maintenance.

On any given day you’ll find “Big John” Burton wielding a sledgehammer on a demolition project, high up on a ladder stringing electrical wire, sawing two-by-fours or helping a visitor find her way. He is dependable, efficient and unfailingly punctual. Burton’s work shows the mark of a craftsman. No matter if it’s North Campus or South Campus, John makes a point of greeting students, faculty and staff with a smile and takes a genuine interest in who you are and what you do.

“John projects and inspires an overall sense of belonging that leads to a welcoming campus environment,” said Sandra Ray, administrative assistant to the Department of Athletics, in her recommendation letter for Burton. “He promotes the university core values and purpose. His character, respect and service to the campus community serve as a great example of the ‘UMSL way.'”

In addition, staff members who have worked for 25 years were honored.

Those with 25 years of service are:

Christopher Burwell, assistant director of advancement services
Jane Ferrell
, assistant to the dean of the College of Business Administration
Mary Fowler
, director of information technology in ITS User Services
James Owen Freise
, system support analyst specialist in ITS User Services
Teri Furlow, senior academic adviser in the School of Professional and Continuing Studies
Clara L. Jackson
, admissions counselor in the Graduate School
Youlanda Yvonne Jones
, office support staff III in the College of Optometry
Karl William Kottemann
, director of professional and graduate programs in the College of Business Administration
Shanta Latrice Kyles
, academic adviser in the School of Social Work
Thom Pancella, project director at Missouri Institute of Mental Health
Elizabeth Ramirez
, coordinator program/project support in the School of Professional and Continuing Studies
Kenneth Matthew Rapsilber, senior academic adviser in the College of Business Administration
Bob Samples
, associate vice chancellor for University Marketing and Communications
Lisa Stageman
, transcript credit evaluation specialist in the Degree Audit Program
Kimberly Stanger
, administrative assistant in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Lucinda Vantine
, director of university events in University Marketing and Communications
Lucinda Williams
, library assistant II at the Thomas Jefferson Library

Click here to view Chancellor George’s State of the University presentation.
