UMSL student Adrian Liddell

Adrian Liddell was one of several students who discussed why they chose UMSL in a new video that made its debut at the annual Founders Dinner on Sept. 26.

Scholarship opportunities. Performing at the Touhill. Campus life.

Those were just several reasons students gave for choosing the University of Missouri St.–Louis in a video that debuted at Founders Dinner on Sept. 26.

“I chose UMSL for the 3 E’s” said Adrian Liddell, a junior transfer student majoring in elementary education. “Education, experience and expenses.”

What sealed the deal for accounting student Shaimaa Ahmed was meeting the faculty of the College of Business Administration.

“I was like ‘Oh my God, this is perfect,’” she said. “UMSL was the right choice for me because I felt at home. It felt like family.”

Click here or below to see the video and view other UMSL students discussing why they chose UMSL.

The UMSL Experience

Myra Lopez

Myra Lopez

Eye on UMSL: Showing off a new coat

UMSL’s newly renamed agile mobile robotic dog, Titan, displayed a new look at last Tuesday’s Spring Involvement Jamboree in the Millennium Student Center.