Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,

Throughout our history, the University of Missouri–St. Louis has endeavored to fulfill the mission of providing a quality and affordable education for all of St. Louis. But more than that, we have been thought leaders and policy influencers on economics, justice, education, society and health. Since the tragedies of early August, UMSL has been here for St. Louis. Whether it has been with our expertise or our counsel – or our hands or our hearts – UMSL has been there. We have been there as individuals or groups; faculty, students, staff and alumni; participants or leaders; planners or doers. In any and all configurations, we have been part of those working toward the challenging myriad of complex solutions in an enlightened, objective and compassionate manner.

Perhaps we have been seen as being on the front line, an important part of the process of moving toward solutions or encouraging and fostering civil discourse. Whether it is for these reasons, or others, UMSL has been a safe and secure university, one that has not seen violence on or adjacent to the campus.

Thousands have been on the UMSL campus for scores of debates and forums, workshops, symposia and peaceful dialogue regarding the situation in Ferguson and its aftermath. There has been no incivility toward one another. There have been no threats to people or property. There have been no security calls, coarseness, vulgarity or strife on the campus. It is an environment conducive to learning, productivity and growth for our students, faculty and staff. Furthermore, our excellent campus police are working with neighboring police departments to ensure the university stays safe and secure. That is our very first responsibility.

I hope that our history and our mission, our present contributions and UMSL’s promise for the future continue to be recognized as a significant component of the important solutions that face our community. And I believe we will enlarge and expand upon those contributions to create a better world for us all.


Tom George
