UMSL fall colors

by | Nov 12, 2015

Prior to the fierce winds of yesterday and today, UMSL campus photographer August Jennewein traversed the campus to capture the fall colors before all the leaves dropped.
Eye on UMSL: ‘Hung Together’
Eye on UMSL: ‘Hung Together’

A new exhibition on the third floor of the MSC showcases art made by UMSL Art and Design faculty side by side with work from their current students.

Eye on UMSL: ‘Hung Together’

A new exhibition on the third floor of the MSC showcases art made by UMSL Art and Design faculty side by side with work from their current students.

Eye on UMSL: ‘Hung Together’

A new exhibition on the third floor of the MSC showcases art made by UMSL Art and Design faculty side by side with work from their current students.