Shutter stop: New perspectives

by | Dec 14, 2017

As international students take in a sculpture at the Saint Louis Art Museum, the moment captured takes on greater symbolic meaning.

As three University of Missouri–St. Louis international students look through Donald Judd’s Untitled 1969 sculpture at the Saint Louis Art Museum, campus photographer August Jennewein captures the symbolic moment. Much like their experience moving to the States for school, the sculpture of open aluminum boxes with blue Plexiglass interiors can at first seem chaotic, puzzling and strange. But stay awhile, and what was unfamiliar becomes familiar, and a new perspective settles in at the end of the tunnel. Read UMSL Magazine’s latest cover story on the international student experience at UMSL.

This photo originally appeared in the fall 2017 issue of UMSL Magazine under “Shutter stop,” a recurring section which showcases The UMSL Experience caught by award-winning photographer August Jennewein.

The UMSL Experience

Eye on UMSL: A Taste of Latin America

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