Design students team with UMSL Percussion Ensemble on animated performance of ‘Stained Glass’

by | Apr 22, 2019

The design students each created one minute of animation to accompany the musical performance April 8 at the Touhill Performing Arts Center.
Stained Glass

The UMSL Percussion Ensemble performs David Gillingham’s piece “Stained Glass” along with animation created by members of Jennifer McKnight’s junior design class April 8 at the Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center. (Submitted photos)

Members of the University of Missouri–St. Louis’ junior design class collaborated with the UMSL Percussion Ensemble to animate a performance of composer David Gillingham’s piece “Stained Glass” on April 8 in the Anheuser-Busch Performance Hall at the Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center.

UMSL junior design class

Members of the UMSL junior design class, along with Associate Professor Jennifer McKnight (at left), gather April 8 in the lobby of the Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center to debut their animations of David Gillingham’s piece “Stained Glass.” Their animations were accompanied by a performance of the UMSL Percussion Ensemble.

The students worked on their animations throughout the semester in a course taught by Associate Professor Jennifer McKnight in the Department of Art and Design. Each student animated one minute of the piece, which were then combined into a 12-minute presentation.

The animations played on a screen above the stage in the Anheuser-Busch Performance Hall while the percussion ensemble performed under the direction of Associate Teaching Professor Matt Henry.

The design students also displayed posters and printed materials in the Touhill lobby.

See the animation of “Stained Glass” here:

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