Eye on UMSL: Dramatic reading

by | Nov 21, 2019

Students in Frank Grady's English literature class gave a dramatic reading of the final scene of Nahum Tate’s 1681 revision of William Shakespeare’s "King Lear."

Dramatic reading from King Lear

Students (standing, from left) Meredith Alton, Dani Brown-Schnurr, Sophie Kluba, Rachael Wood and Joseph DeBoer gave a dramatic reading of the final scene of Nahum Tate’s 1681 revision of William Shakespeare’s “King Lear” earlier this semester in Professor Frank Grady‘s English 3310 class on “English Literature to 1790.” Tate’s revision is a happy-ending Restoration version of the play and was the only one performed for 150 years.

This photograph was taken by UMSL photographer August Jennewein and is the latest to be featured in Eye on UMSL.

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UMSL Daily

Eye on UMSL: High five

UMSL mascot Louie high fives students as they arrive at the University Welcome on Saturday.