Developing an educated and inclusive workforce needs to begin before students enter college to empower them for the global workforce, says Natissia Small, Vice Provost for Access and Academic Support and Workforce Integration at the University of Missouri–St. Louis in this video. “I believe the K-12 sector, higher education institutions and corporate partners collectively are answering an important call to action, which is working collaboratively to create a clear pathway for students to succeed.”

Small discusses UMSL’s Bridge Program for students in grades 9-12 that helps students successfully transition to college. Small shares:

  • The benefits students get out of precollegiate programming, and how it enhances their success.
  • Why it is important to help first-generation students navigate the college selection and admission process.

For more information on UMSL Bridge program, go to

This story originally appeared in the St. Louis Business Journal’s Rise Up for St. Louis content hub, sponsored by the University of Missouri–St. Louis.

UMSL Daily

UMSL Daily

Eye on UMSL: Showing off a new coat

UMSL’s newly renamed agile mobile robot dog, Titan, displayed a new look at last Tuesday’s Spring Involvement Jamboree in the Millennium Student Center.