UMSL’s graduate programs in social work, education, business and public affairs all made gains and were ranked among the top 125 nationally in the latest rankings. (Photo by Jay Fram)
The University of Missouri–St. Louis offers high-quality master’s degree programs across a variety of disciplines to help equip working professionals for the next step in their careers.
U.S. News & World Report recognized the strength of UMSL’s programs in social work, education, business and public affairs in its 2024 “Best Graduate Schools” rankings, unveiled on Tuesday. The university saw gains in each category with all four programs ranked among the top 125 nationally.
“We are committed to driving workforce development in our region, and that includes helping students gain the advanced level of knowledge and understanding that comes with a master’s or doctoral degree,” said Steven J. Berberich, UMSL’s vice chancellor for academic affairs and provost. “We are pleased that U.S. News & World Report continues to recognize the high quality of an UMSL education. The rise we’ve seen in these rankings is a credit to the commitment of our faculty and staff, who work hard to ensure they’re providing their students with the latest information relevant to their chosen fields.”
UMSL’s MSW program climbed to No. 67 nationally in the latest rankings, up 12 spots from when U.S. News last ranked graduate social work programs in 2022. The two-year full-time or up to six-year part-time program helps prepare graduates to work with individuals and families in settings such as child welfare agencies, family service agencies, mental health clinics, schools, health care organizations, family violence service agencies, substance abuse prevention and treatment programs, or correctional organizations. Students who choose the leadership and social change concentration gain the knowledge and training they need to assume leadership and management positions in a variety of local, state and national public, private and nonprofit organizations.
The College of Education’s MEd program continues to rank first in St. Louis and third in the state and also moved up 13 places from last year to rank No. 99 nationally. UMSL faculty and staff excel at translating the best in research ideas into practice that benefits students in classrooms across the region.
The part-time MBA program climbed 10 places from last year and has now risen 48 places in the past two years to rank No. 115 in the country. Students can earn their MBA in evening, online and hybrid formats and have the option to focus their degrees in accounting, business analytics, cybersecurity, finance, information systems and technology, international business, management, marketing or supply chain management.
UMSL’s Master of Public Policy Administration Program moved up 13 places to No. 124 nationally and remained the top-ranked program in the St. Louis region. MPPA students can choose emphasis areas in policy research and analysis, local government management or nonprofit management and leadership, and graduates can be found in leadership positions in municipal governments and nonprofit organizations throughout St. Louis.
U.S. News does not rank every graduate program every year. UMSL’s PhD program in criminology and criminal justice was No. 11 in the most recent rankings in 2021. Graduate programs in political science (No. 99 in 2021), clinical psychology (No. 138 in 2020), psychology (No. 140 in 2022), mathematics (No. 173 in 2023), chemistry (No. 192 in 2023) and biology (No. 251 in 2022) have also been ranked in the most recent years that rankings were compiled.