Chancellor Kristin Sobolik speaks to attendees of The 1963 Society luncheon on April 24 in the Millennium Student Center. (Photo courtesy of University Advancement)
On April 24, University of Missouri–St. Louis Chancellor Kristin Sobolik welcomed members of The 1963 Society to campus for a luncheon in the Millennium Student Center and shared updates about what’s been happening at UMSL.
Members of The 1963 Society are alumni and friends who have invested in the university’s future through legacy or estate gifts, and its name commemorates the year of the university’s founding. These generous donors help ensure the future of UMSL and the university’s continued growth as a metropolitan research university and an anchor institution.
The university shares its gratitude with The 1963 Society for continuing UMSL’s mission to transform lives. To learn more about The 1963 Society or how you might become a member, please contact legacygift@umsl.edu.
View more photos from the luncheon on Flickr.