Runner Pechaz Clark receives a high five from mascot Louie the Triton during the second annual UMSL Alumni Association 5K Run & Walk through campus on Saturday morning.
Runner Pechaz Clark receives a high five from mascot Louie the Triton during the second annual UMSL Alumni Association 5K Run & Walk through campus on Saturday morning.
Runner Pechaz Clark receives a high five from mascot Louie the Triton during the second annual UMSL Alumni Association 5K Run & Walk through campus on Saturday morning.
Runner Pechaz Clark receives a high five from mascot Louie the Triton during the second annual UMSL Alumni Association 5K Run & Walk through campus on Saturday morning.
Based in Clearwater, Florida, the company is known for its playful illustrations, from ocean animals to rainbows, florals and holiday imagery.