Two UMSL students make new friends and give out a few free piggyback rides while volunteering in the St. Louis area Feb. 5.
Two UMSL students make new friends and give out a few free piggyback rides while volunteering in the St. Louis area Feb. 5.
Two UMSL students make new friends and give out a few free piggyback rides while volunteering in the St. Louis area Feb. 5.
Two UMSL students make new friends and give out a few free piggyback rides while volunteering in the St. Louis area Feb. 5.
Weeden-Smith was honored along with 12 other individuals, one nonprofit and one for-profit company at the Business Journal’s annual awards luncheon at the Bayer Event Center at the Missouri Botanical Garden.
230 students participated in the annual MLK Day of Service, volunteering at 13 sites across the region for a total of 699 service hours.
230 students participated in the annual MLK Day of Service, volunteering at 13 sites across the region for a total of 699 service hours.
230 students participated in the annual MLK Day of Service, volunteering at 13 sites across the region for a total of 699 service hours.