As dance styles go, tap won’t be confused for contemporary. But it certainly isn’t dead yet. Need proof? Exhibit A: The St. Louis Tap Festival, now in its 21st year.

As dance styles go, tap won’t be confused for contemporary. But it certainly isn’t dead yet. Need proof? Exhibit A: The St. Louis Tap Festival, now in its 21st year.
As dance styles go, tap won’t be confused for contemporary. But it certainly isn’t dead yet. Need proof? Exhibit A: The St. Louis Tap Festival, now in its 21st year.
As dance styles go, tap won’t be confused for contemporary. But it certainly isn’t dead yet. Need proof? Exhibit A: The St. Louis Tap Festival, now in its 21st year.
The space McCain manages offers the type of tools that Scott Morris, director of UMSL’s Entrepreneurship & Innovation Center, is excited to share with his student entrepreneurs.