“Penn & Ava” tells the story of Ava, a high schooler coming to terms with her past trauma, finding herself and forging her own path.
“Penn & Ava” tells the story of Ava, a high schooler coming to terms with her past trauma, finding herself and forging her own path.
“Penn & Ava” tells the story of Ava, a high schooler coming to terms with her past trauma, finding herself and forging her own path.
“Penn & Ava” tells the story of Ava, a high schooler coming to terms with her past trauma, finding herself and forging her own path.
Based in Clearwater, Florida, the company is known for its playful illustrations, from ocean animals to rainbows, florals and holiday imagery.
The funding will go toward hiring a full-time play therapist and graduate research assistant and providing paid internship stipends to counseling students completing their field experience.
The funding will go toward hiring a full-time play therapist and graduate research assistant and providing paid internship stipends to counseling students completing their field experience.
The funding will go toward hiring a full-time play therapist and graduate research assistant and providing paid internship stipends to counseling students completing their field experience.