As useful as a map can be, getting to know a place like UMSL requires exploring it in person. So does discovering a favorite spot.

As useful as a map can be, getting to know a place like UMSL requires exploring it in person. So does discovering a favorite spot.
As useful as a map can be, getting to know a place like UMSL requires exploring it in person. So does discovering a favorite spot.
As useful as a map can be, getting to know a place like UMSL requires exploring it in person. So does discovering a favorite spot.
Adler says there are positive trends Downtown, such as population growth and increased sales tax revenues, that can be leveraged by the city to advance the neighborhood.
They are part of the organization Triton Health Educators and are raising awareness on drugs, alcohol and sexual consent.
They are part of the organization Triton Health Educators and are raising awareness on drugs, alcohol and sexual consent.
They are part of the organization Triton Health Educators and are raising awareness on drugs, alcohol and sexual consent.
About 150 optometry students, faculty, alumni and others from the UMSL community and beyond gathered Friday to celebrate the groundbreaking of the $17 million, 48,000-square-foot center.
About 150 optometry students, faculty, alumni and others from the UMSL community and beyond gathered Friday to celebrate the groundbreaking of the $17 million, 48,000-square-foot center.
About 150 optometry students, faculty, alumni and others from the UMSL community and beyond gathered Friday to celebrate the groundbreaking of the $17 million, 48,000-square-foot center.