Spanning from 1954 to 1966, the story follows 16-year-old Linda, a quirky individualist who sets out to learn more about the culture and history of her neighbors.
Spanning from 1954 to 1966, the story follows 16-year-old Linda, a quirky individualist who sets out to learn more about the culture and history of her neighbors.
Spanning from 1954 to 1966, the story follows 16-year-old Linda, a quirky individualist who sets out to learn more about the culture and history of her neighbors.
Spanning from 1954 to 1966, the story follows 16-year-old Linda, a quirky individualist who sets out to learn more about the culture and history of her neighbors.
Nunnelly, a summa cum laude graduate at just 20 years old, exemplifies resilience, academic excellence and a passion for community impact.