On Friday, UMSL’s Gallery 210 hosted the third and final installment in the inaugural Bosnian Film Series, “Fuse,” co-organized by Associate Professor Rita Csapo-Sweet.
On Friday, UMSL’s Gallery 210 hosted the third and final installment in the inaugural Bosnian Film Series, “Fuse,” co-organized by Associate Professor Rita Csapo-Sweet.
On Friday, UMSL’s Gallery 210 hosted the third and final installment in the inaugural Bosnian Film Series, “Fuse,” co-organized by Associate Professor Rita Csapo-Sweet.
On Friday, UMSL’s Gallery 210 hosted the third and final installment in the inaugural Bosnian Film Series, “Fuse,” co-organized by Associate Professor Rita Csapo-Sweet.
UMSL Global team members kicked off Global Triton Welcome, a weeklong orientation to help new international students get acclimated ahead of the spring semester.