LATEST IN public office

Sue Shear Institute to hold ‘Pipeline to Public Office’

The Sue Shear Institute for Women in Public Life at the University of Missouri-St. Louis will hold “Pipeline to Public Office,” a nonpartisan workshop designed for women interested in running for municipal offices as well as those interested in volunteering on campaigns.

Sue Shear Institute to hold ‘Pipeline to Public Office’

The Sue Shear Institute for Women in Public Life at the University of Missouri-St. Louis will hold “Pipeline to Public Office,” a nonpartisan workshop designed for women interested in running for municipal offices as well as those interested in volunteering on campaigns.

Sue Shear Institute to hold ‘Pipeline to Public Office’

The Sue Shear Institute for Women in Public Life at the University of Missouri-St. Louis will hold “Pipeline to Public Office,” a nonpartisan workshop designed for women interested in running for municipal offices as well as those interested in volunteering on campaigns.

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