Dowden-White is currently researching a biography on Wilson, the first African American woman to chair the national board of the NAACP.
Dowden-White is currently researching a biography on Wilson, the first African American woman to chair the national board of the NAACP.
Dowden-White is currently researching a biography on Wilson, the first African American woman to chair the national board of the NAACP.
Dowden-White is currently researching a biography on Wilson, the first African American woman to chair the national board of the NAACP.
Students had an opportunity to learn about faculty-led study abroad trips and talk to advisors about how they could incorporate study abroad into their academic experience.
The senior was one of 75 Americans selected to participate in the program and will spend a year studying and working in Germany.
The senior was one of 75 Americans selected to participate in the program and will spend a year studying and working in Germany.
The senior was one of 75 Americans selected to participate in the program and will spend a year studying and working in Germany.