Sobolik joined a group of prominent area leaders to receive the award, including Rick Stevens, Dennis Gipson, Ed Monser and prominent UMSL alumni Art McCoy and the late Kirk Richter.
Sobolik joined a group of prominent area leaders to receive the award, including Rick Stevens, Dennis Gipson, Ed Monser and prominent UMSL alumni Art McCoy and the late Kirk Richter.
Sobolik joined a group of prominent area leaders to receive the award, including Rick Stevens, Dennis Gipson, Ed Monser and prominent UMSL alumni Art McCoy and the late Kirk Richter.
Sobolik joined a group of prominent area leaders to receive the award, including Rick Stevens, Dennis Gipson, Ed Monser and prominent UMSL alumni Art McCoy and the late Kirk Richter.
The National Board for Certified Counselors awarded King $12,000, and the organization will also provide access to mentors and professional development opportunities.