LATEST IN UMSL smartphone application
Behind every good app, there’s a good programmer

Behind every good app, there’s a good programmer

Nathan Halley is a computer guy. It’s in the University of Missouri–St. Louis staffer’s blood, something passed down to him from his grandfather Hardy Fuchs, who founded the Information Services & Technology department at Washington University in St. Louis.

Behind every good app, there’s a good programmer

Nathan Halley is a computer guy. It’s in the University of Missouri–St. Louis staffer’s blood, something passed down to him from his grandfather Hardy Fuchs, who founded the Information Services & Technology department at Washington University in St. Louis.

Behind every good app, there’s a good programmer

Nathan Halley is a computer guy. It’s in the University of Missouri–St. Louis staffer’s blood, something passed down to him from his grandfather Hardy Fuchs, who founded the Information Services & Technology department at Washington University in St. Louis.

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