John Barry (far right) was the Toastmaster of the day at the founding meeting of the UMSL Toastmaster’s Club. More than 30 people attended the meeting in the Alumni Center at Woods Hall.

John Barry (far right) was the Toastmaster of the day at the founding meeting of the UMSL Toastmaster’s Club. More than 30 people attended the meeting in the Alumni Center at Woods Hall.
John Barry (far right) was the Toastmaster of the day at the founding meeting of the UMSL Toastmaster’s Club. More than 30 people attended the meeting in the Alumni Center at Woods Hall.
John Barry (far right) was the Toastmaster of the day at the founding meeting of the UMSL Toastmaster’s Club. More than 30 people attended the meeting in the Alumni Center at Woods Hall.
Tuesday’s signing took place during Page’s annual State of the County Address held at the Touhill Performing Arts Center.