UMSL Business Blog

Top 4 Digital Trends of 2020

By Tori Foster

There are many trends, products, and services that we have seen in 2020 that have had success. Here are a few of my favorites:

Remote work: the new normal

With social distancing norms and the stay at home orders that are being put in place, some companies began to have their employees work from home. Remote working is definitely one of the top business trends for 2020. 

You may be working from home, or know someone who is, but either way remote work has offered flexibility in people’s schedules.

Applications such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams have helped make the transition from cubicles to your home a smooth move. Working 9-5 every day at a cubicle is no longer the norm. 


The reality of Artificial Intelligence: It will not take over the customer experience

When you think about the world after 2020 you most likely think about AI and the newest innovations. How can you not? AI has taken the business world by storm. However, after this unpredictable year, it seems AI will not replace the human worker, but rather improve the customer experience. The possibilities with AI are pretty much endless when making employees more efficient. 


Businesses are taking a step back and prioritizing employee wellness  

Employee health and wellness have been top priority this year for businesses. Not only physical, but also mental health. We should look for this trend to carry over beyond 2020 especially with everything that’s happened this year. 

Despite all the benefits that remote work has to offer, it can take a toll on your body. It tends to have an adverse impact on one’s mental health since workers are watching a screen for prolonged periods of time. 

Our living rooms, basement, or even bedrooms have become our new cubicles.

Engagement is at all times high since employees work from the comfort of their homes. Organizations want employees to know that they are valued by making it their goal to have happy and healthy employees who are productive.

Small businesses ramp up digital marketing

The COVID-19 pandemic has pressed the pause button on all events and traveling. Consumers are not stepping out of their homes as much as they used to.

Nowadays, a website has become the storefront for businesses so that they can gain visibility and attract customers. Small businesses especially, will look to invest in digital marketing — targeting the segments they want, run local ads, and build an overall online reputation. 

Mobile marketing has led to more creative forms of advertising. Small businesses have been taking advantage of mobile’s popularity. They use geo-targeting to attract new and current customers in specific areas.

The most common way to geo-target is SMS or text marketing to stay in contact with customers if they opt-in. Beyond extending offers, companies can empower them to make mobile payments. 

Now that we have social platforms where brands can post stories or live stream videos business are becoming more visible and engaging a video-hungry audience. 


With the new year coming we’ll see how these trends change and evolve into new ones. To keep tabs on what’s new, visit the UMSL Business Blog for content provided by College of Business students.