Podcast: 2018 Ameren Accelerator Day
By Sabrina McGuire
The In Your Business podcast is essential for all business majors here at UMSL. Not only is it informative but you will be able to learn from guest speakers who are leaders in the industry. You can listen to the podcast any time of the day, where ever you want at the comfort of your own fingertips. Focusing on different topics like data, marketing, and branding each episode you will find a new way to improve and grow. Remember, the ability to target your audience is very important, considering a lot of companies are struggling to do so at the moment.
In this podcast, we covered the Ameren Accelerator Demo Day at the Pageant located here is Saint Louis. As we all know Ameren UE is an electric company but there is more to Ameren than just electric. Steve Kidwell of Ameren, Dan Lauer from the UMSL Accelerate program, Uri Fleyder-Kolter Co-Founder of Narya Security, and Jiaxi Fang Co-Founder and CEO of Applied Particle Technology. Our guest speakers give us valuable information and give us details on the primary reasons behind the accelerator program: giving a window for an entrepreneur in the business space, building the entrepreneurial community here in St. Louis to attract jobs and give an education opportunity in St. Louis to make a great impact.
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