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Few more days to GHC!!!

It’s just a few days to GHC! I have been waiting to attend this event. Lots of opportunities, lots of passionate people, this is really a celebration.

I am Shruthi Sreenivasa Murthy and I am doing my Masters in information systems at UMSL. This year brings me a big chance as it is going to be my first time at Grace Hopper Celebration and I am so excited to attend GHC not just because we get to network, it is also surely because we can learn so much about the technologies that we are interested in. The GHC-18’ now has a mobile app which is so user-friendly and allows us to sign up for all the events and talks/presentations we would be willing to attend.

I have signed up for talks on Machine Learning, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. Data Anonymization from a Data Scientist’s point of View (By Catherine – From SAP), Developing infinitely scalable ML algorithms (By Piali – From Amazon Web Services), Deep Learning for large-scale Online Fraud Detection (By Ting – From DataVisor), Letting the Machines learn Data Quality to build accurate models (By Archana – From AMEX) are a few talks I have signed up for. The fact that I will be learning about all these topics at the event makes me so happy.

– Shruthi Sreenivasa Murthy