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#GHC #Events

Business, Social, and Career Impact and  Hands-On Exploratory Data Analysis are some of the many other events that are of interest to me. I believe as data is increasing through Internet Of Things, it is becoming more challenging to figure out how to handle this massive volume of data and their storage. But the first step is to understand and become more aware of what is going on and analyzing it. Events like these can help me gain more exposure to how internet of things work and thereby as a future analyst, I will be able to forecast solutions that could help on how to handle the data and get benefited out of it.

Apart from these events, 5 Tips to Help You Succeed and Self-Talk Skills: Transform Self-Criticism into Self-Encouragement are other events that will help me build my skills facing the corporate world better and understand the requirements. It will also help me build my personal life. I firmly believe that not only the technical skills but also the soft skills play a major role to achieve our goals and attain success in life.