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GHC 2019 – Damon Walker


I am Damon Walker, a UMSL Ph.D. student, and my goal is to one day teach Information Systems and Technology based courses at the college level. I am also interested in how to encourage more women and minorities to pursue a career in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math). Attending the Grace Hopper Celebration will provide an opportunity for me to attend seminars and break-out sessions focused on the inclusion of women and minorities in the technological field. Technology thrives with diversity and I feel that it is crucial that all ideas are represented respectfully throughout all organizations. I plan to share my experience and information gleaned from the Grace Hopper Celebration with the UMSL community. I also plan to incorporate all learned concepts into encouraging women and minorities to pursue their careers in Information Systems & Technology.

#UMSL  #Information Systems #Hopper #Women in Technology #UMSL2GHC

Categorised in: Hello World, Who Are We?