UMSL marketing expert Haim Mano talked to KMOV (Channel 4) Monday about the increase in goods in 2012.

The new year may bring more than resolutions and predictions, it may include higher prices on many of the things you can’t live without.

Haim Mano, associate professor of marketing at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, talked to KMOV (Channel 4) Monday about the increase in goods in 2012.

In addition to the rise in cost of gas, food and travel, Mano said consumers will see an increase in health-care costs.

“I think the health-care reform is going to have a major, significant impact on people who are uninsured,” Mano told KMOV. “The rest of population is going to continue paying a lot and maybe more.”

He added that consumers will see an increase in the price of cell phones and service plans since many carriers have invested millions of dollars in upgrades. And high prices also will be seen in items from China as factory workers demand better pay.
