The University of Missouri–St. Louis makes a significant impact on the St. Louis area. Stories about the university, its scholars and their expertise are often covered by local and national news media.

Media Coverage highlights some of the top coverage, but does not serve as a comprehensive listing. This post will be updated with new highlights throughout the month and beyond.

Deborah Cohen, associate professor of history, was mentioned Dec. 5 in a St. Louis Post-Dispatch article about her participation on a Pearl Harbor forum. Cohen was mentioned Dec. 5 in the St. Louis Beacon article “Archives exhibit, event here help keep the memory of Pearl Harbor.”

Richard Cook, professor of English, and his book “Alfred Kazin’s Journals” were mentioned Dec. 4 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “Post-Dispatch rounds up favorite books of 2011.”

John Dalton, associate professor of English, and his book “The Inverted Forest” were mentioned Dec. 4 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “Post-Dispatch rounds up favorite books of 2011.”

Fred Fausz, associate professor of history, and his book “Founding St. Louis” were mentioned Dec. 4 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “Post-Dispatch rounds up favorite books of 2011.”

Chancellor Tom George was photographed for The St. Louis American story “Jelani Murshid-Jackson graduates,” which ran Dec. 29. George was mentioned Dec. 21 in the Riverfront Times article “Police department teams with UMSL to fight crime.”

George Gokel, director of the Center for Nanoscience, was interviewed for the Dec. 16 St. Louis Public Radio | 90.7 FM story “Talking nanotech with UMSL’s George Gokel.

Barbara Harbach, professor of music, was featured Dec. 6 in the online magazine NOCO article “UMSL composer teams with the London Philharmonic.”

Terry Jones, professor of political science, and his study were mentioned Dec. 1 in the St. Louis Beacon article “If transfer law is upheld, 15,000 students would leave city, study finds.” Jones and his study were also mentioned Dec. 2 in a St. Louis Post-Dispatch article. Jones was quoted Dec. 23 in the St. Louis Beacon article “Under current school transfer law, St. Louis schools could go bankrupt, analysis says.”

Susan Kendig, associate teaching professor of nursing, was quoted Dec. 15 in the St. Louis Beacon article “Nurse practitioners fill a gap in rural health care.”

Marliu Knode, professor of art history, was quoted Dec. 9 in the Sunset Hills-Crestwood (Mo.) Patch article “Laumeier Sculpture Park hires first composer-in-residence.”

Shirley Porterfield, associate professor of social work, was quoted Dec. 20 in the Reuters article “Kids with a ‘medical home’ have fewer sick visits.”

David Robertson, professor of political science, discussed how the national and local political races are shaping up on the Dec. 15 episode of “St. Louis on the Air” on St. Louis Public Radio | 90.7 KWMU. Robertson discussed the biggest headlines from 2011 on the Dec. 27 episode of “St. Louis on the Air” on St. Louis Public Radio | 90.7 KWMU. Robertson was part of a roundtable discussion that aired Dec. 2 on KMOX (1120 AM).

J. Martin Rochester, professor of political science, was quoted Dec. 25 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “Reflection on end of Iraq war.”

Richard Rosenfeld, professor of criminology and criminal justice, was mentioned Dec. 20 in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article “Crime rates keep dropping, FBI crime statistics show.” Rosenfeld was quoted Dec. 22 in the KMOX (1120 AM) story “Police to use new tactics against crime.” Rosenfeld was quoted Dec. 22 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “Partnership between St. Louis police, UMSL looks at crime-fighting techniques.” Rosenfield was mentioned and pictured Dec. 21 in the Riverfront Times article “Police department teams with UMSL to fight crime.

Daniel Rust, assistant director of the Center for Transportation Studies, was quoted Dec. 2 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “American cries uncle as airline competition stiffens.”

Howard Schwartz, professor emeritus of English, was quoted Dec. 21 in the St. Louis Jewish Light article “Richard Stang, 86; W.U. English professor admired by his students.”

Lana Stein, professor emeritus of political science, wrote the article “Self interest doesn’t dictate voting patterns,” which ran Dec. 13 in the St. Louis Beacon.

Zuleyma Tang-Martinez, professor of biology, was the subject of the Dec. 5 St. Louis Beacon article “Zuleyma Tang-Martinez devotes life to studying animal behavior.”

Kenneth Thomas, associate professor of political science, was quoted Dec. 12 in the Think Progress blog post “More than $3 trillion annually lost to worldwide tax evasion.” Thomas was quoted Dec. 16 in The Atlantic Cities article “The folly of corporate relocation incentives.”

Eye on UMSL: A Taste of Latin America

Associate Teaching Professor Tim Abeln showed students how to make picadillo de chayote during a National Foreign Language Week event hosted by the Department of Language and Cultural Studies.