Note: UMSL Events contains information about events that will occur in the seven days following publication (Saturday-Friday). It contains information compiled from the UMSL Campus Calendar. No submissions are accepted, and since the calendar is self-populated, University Marketing and Communications is not responsible for the content that appears here or its accuracy. If you would like to receive UMSL Events via e-mail, you can subscribe to UMSL Daily or UMSL Daily Events.

Textbook Sell Back
Date/Time: May 5-11, 2012 7:30 AM to 7:00 PM
Location: UMSL Bookstore
Audience: Student
Description: It’s Textbook Sell Back time! Stop by the UMSL Bookstore to sell back your textbooks. Receive a minimum $5 for each textbook. Enter to win an iPad for each book your sell back. For more details, visit
For Info: UMSL Bookstore at 314-516-5763

Child Abuse Prevention Pinwheel Garden Fundraiser
Date/Time: May 5, 2012 12:00 AM to 11:55 PM
Location: Children’s Advocacy Services
Audience: Open
Description: “Pinwheels for Prevention” is a state and nationwide public awareness campaign the puts a new spin on child abuse prevention. The pinwheel represents hope, health, and happiness. This uplifting symbol of childhood represents our efforts to ensure the healthy development of children, while recognizing that child development is a building block for community and economic development. Last year CASGSL served over 400 children and we would like a pinwheel in our garden for each of those children. We are asking for a minimum donation of $2 per pinwheel.
For Info: Karen Banks at 314-516-7389

The St. Louis Fine Print, Rare Book and Paper Arts Fair
Date/Time: May 5, 2012 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Location: J.C. Penney Building
Audience: Open
Description: General admission: $5 per day; students (with ID): $1.50 per day; UMSL alumni (with ID): $2.50 per day.
For Info: Valenda Curtis at 314-516-7248

University Child Development Center Tubular Trivia Night
Date/Time: May 5, 2012 6:30 PM to 10:30 PM
Location: St. Ann Catholic Church 7530 Natural Bridge Road
Audience: Open
Description: Tickets are $20/person or $150/table. Students can purchase tickets for $15. The University Child Development Center is proud to announce the first ever Tubular Trivia Night! Get out your jelly bracelets and miniskirts; tight roll your pants and find your Miami Vice jacket because the best 80s-themed table wins a prize! We’ll have a silent auction, raffles and a 50/50. All proceeds benefit UCDC. Gather up your friends and join us for an evening of fun competition as we revisit the 80s. Some of the items that are part of the auction and raffle are: Cardinal tickets, a bucket of booze, handmade jewelry and local restaurant gift cards. If you have any questions, call UCDC 314-516-5658 or contact Jaime Bergfeld at
For Info: Jaime Bergfeld at 314-516-5181

St. Louis Storytelling Festival: Grand Finale
Date/Time: May 5, 2012 7:30 PM
Location: Anheuser-Busch Performance Hall, Touhill PAC
Audience: Open
Description: Now in its 33rd year, the award-winning festival features master storytellers including Noah Buchholz, Willy Claflin, Angela Lloyd, Kunama Mtemdaji, Susan O’Halloran and Dovie Thomason. They will weave their tales throughout the community, performing at more than 20 locations in the St. Louis metropolitan area. The grand finale offers performances by all the featured storytellers. Tickets are $10 for adults, $7 for students 13 and older with ID, and free for anyone 12 and under.
For Info: Touhill Ticket Office at 314-516-4949

The St. Louis Fine Print, Rare Book and Paper Arts Fair
Date/Time: May 6, 2012 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Location: J.C. Penney Building
Audience: Open
Description: General admission: $5 per day; students (with ID): $1.50 per day; UMSL alumni (with ID): $2.50 per day.
For Info: Valenda Curtis at 314-516-7248

Alumni Association Governing Board Meeting
Date/Time: May 8, 2012
Location: TBD
Audience: Open
Description: TBD. For more information please contact the Alumni Relations Office at 314-516-5833, or email us at:
For Info: Alumni and Community Relations Office at 314-516-5833

Commuter Break
Date/Time: May 8, 2012 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM
Location: The West Drive Parking Garage (The garage by the TJ Library and the Science Buildings)
Audience: Open
Description: Missed breakfast? Need a snack before classes? Come and enjoy a quick breakfast with the University Program Board.
For Info: Erin Potts at 314-516-5531

Understanding Financial Statements
Date/Time: May 8, 2012 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Location: J. C. Penney Conference Center
Audience: Open
Description: Designed for business owners, managers, accountants, bankers and consultants who want to learn how to turn financial statements into useful management tools. You will learn how to capture information from your income statement and balance sheet, calculate several useful ratios and then use this information to make better business decisions. Fee: $99.
For Info: Erica Candela at 314-516-5908

Mindfulness Meditation
Date/Time: May 9, 2012 12:15 PM to 12:45 PM
Location: Center for Student Success conference room — 225 MSC
Audience: Open
Description: Mindfulness Meditation is a proven—and increasingly popular—method for reducing stress, anxiety, insomnia, and a variety of medical conditions. Incorporating Mindfulness into your schedule can enhance your overall well-being and allow you to live your life more fully. These weekly, guided Mindfulness activities are free and open to beginning as well as experienced meditators.
For Info: Jamie Linsin at 314-516-5711

Challenging the Constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act
Date/Time: May 9, 2012 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Location: 331 SSB
Audience: Open
Description: Guest speaker: Randy Barnett. Presented by the Department of Economics F.A. Hayek Professorship in Economic History. Randy Barnett is the Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Legal Theory at the Georgetown University Law Center, where he teaches constitutional law and contracts. He has tried many felony cases as a prosecutor in the Cook County state’s attorney’s office in Chicago and has been a visiting professor at Northwestern and Harvard Law School. Barnett is a frequent guest on the CBS Evening News, The NBC Nightly News, The Glenn Beck Show, Parker Spitzer and the Ricki Lake Show. His opinion pieces appear regularly in The Wall Street Journal.
For Info: Debra Garcia at 314-516-5353

Using Cognos Student Reports
Date/Time: May 9, 2012 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM
Location: 65 JCP
Audience: UMSL Only
Description: The goal of this session is to familiarize UMSL faculty and staff with the student-oriented reports available via Cognos. Topics in this hands-on session include: signing on to Cognos; setting the default folder; an overview of the available reports; how to run reports; and where to find documentation. There will be ample time for questions and listening to suggestions for improvement. To fully participate, you will need access to Cognos. You can check your access by addressing an email to yourself in Outlook, right clicking on your name in the “To…” block, selecting “Outlook Properties,” click on the “Member Of” tab, and scroll down the list to look for either “UMSL, Cognos SR” or “UMSL, Cognos SR (FERPA).” If you see one of these entries, you have access. If you do NOT see one of these, you need to contact Diana Johnson ( in the registrar’s office and complete the required FERPA training at least 24 hours before the session.
For Info: Larry Westermeyer at

The Political Duel in 2012
Date/Time: May 11, 2012
Location: TBD.
Audience: Open
Description: TBD. For more information please contact the Alumni Relations Office at 314-516-5833, or email us at:
For Info: Alumni and Community Relations Office at 314-516-5833

Envisioning Change: Tom Sullivan & InfantSEE
Date/Time: May 11, 2012 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Location: Touhill Performing Arts Center – Lee Theater
Audience: Open
Description: An inspirational celebration of hope & possibility with actor-author-composer Tom Sullivan. Blind since birth, his approach to life includes engaged pursuit of life’s opportunities and challenges. Also learn about the national InfantSEE program that provides no-cost vision assessments to infants 6-12 months old, regardless of income or insurance. Reservations requested.
For Info: Maria Ahrens at 314-516-5616

Meet Me in Missouri
Date/Time: May 11, 2012 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM
Location: University of Missouri-St. Louis
Audience: Open
Description: Meet Me in Missouri is a fun, interactive competition for 4th- and 5th-grade students who have studied Missouri history, entrepreneurs and economics. Student teams compete in the areas of content knowledge, hands-on production exercises and creative problem-solving activities. The competition is based on MO HiStory, an online curriculum with lesson plans for teachers, stories about Missouri entrepreneurs, and games about Missouri towns, geography, history symbols and government. Each participating student receives a free Meet Me in Missouri T-shirt and gets the chance to design the T-shirt for next year’s competition.
For Info: Mary Gough at 314-516-5974

Starting a Small Business: The First Steps
Date/Time: May 11, 2012 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Location: J.C. Penney Conference Center, Oak Room
Audience: Open
Description: If you are thinking of starting a small business, this course will provide you with an overview of the critical first steps. You will assess your strengths and weaknesses, learn about the importance of planning, discuss legal and regulatory requirements, and identify sources of funding. Following this workshop, it is recommended that you register for “The Basics of Writing a Business Plan.” Fee: $50
For Info: Erica Candela at 314-516-5908

Information Systems Advisory Board Meeting
Date/Time: May 11, 2012 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Location: 331 SSB, McDonnell Conference Room
Audience: Open
Description: The Information Systems Advisory Board meets in 331 SSB, the McDonnell Conference Room.
For Info: Dr. Vicki Sauter at 314-516-6281

MFA Graduate Readings
Date/Time: May 11, 2012 7:30 PM
Location: Lee Theater, Touhill Performing Arts Center
Audience: Open
Description: Students in the University of Missouri–St. Louis’s Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program invite you to an evening of readings of their original work.
For Info: Touhill Ticket Office at 314-516-4949

‘A Life Unhappening’
Date/Time: May 11, 2012 7:30 PM
Location: Anheuser-Busch Performance Hall, Touhill PAC
Audience: Open
Description: The St. Louis Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association is pleased to partner with writer and producer Adam E. Stone to present the world premiere of “A Life Unhappening,” a spoken-word ballet in one act, about the impact of Alzheimer’s disease on three generations of one woman’s family. The one-hour ballet performance will be followed by a 20-minute intermission, then a question-and-answer session of approximately 45 minutes with key players in the piece (writer, choreographer, dancers) and with representatives of the St. Louis Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. Thus, the evening will be both entertaining and educational, and will present an artist’s perspective on the devastating effects of Alzheimer’s disease. A portion of the proceeds from ticket sales for this event will go directly to the St. Louis Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. ASL interpreter provided. For ticket information, please call 314-516-4949 or visit
For Info: Touhill Ticket Office at 314-516-4949
