17 photos from UMSL Homecoming 2017

by | Feb 21, 2017

How much Triton pride can be packed into a single UMSL Daily post? Let's find out.

Pack the Stands cheer 2017

How much Triton pride can be packed into a single UMSL Daily post? Let’s find out.

Campus photographer August Jennewein selected a colorful handful of his favorite images from among the many hundreds he captured during last week’s homecoming festivities at the University of Missouri–St. Louis.

Taken together, these 17 photos are worth a thousand words and then some when it comes to showcasing the campus community’s spirit.

Bridge window painting

Student organizations and campus departments painted the windows along the Millennium Student Center bridge the weekend prior, helping set just the right tone for the week.

Regatta fun

Along with an official homecoming kickoff, Monday’s lineup of events featured the return of the Red & Gold Regatta to the Recreation and Wellness Center natatorium. The team at right gets props for naming their watercraft “HMS bathtub.”

Regatta winners

A different team took home first place, however – and even posed with the destroyed remains of their competitors’ vessels for good measure.

Big Man on Campus crowd

On Tuesday evening, the J.C. Penney Auditorium filled with laughter and fun for UMSL’s traditional Big Man on Campus event.

Big Man on Campus show

The winner, Braxton Perry, bested four other contestants as they battled pageant-style for the sought-after title.

Magic act

His humor-filled magic act was a hit.

Blitzball fun

Meanwhile, other campus revelers enjoyed a rousing round of blitzball, which may best be described as an indoor version of paintball. Two teams fought to protect their flag amid tons of places to hide and take cover.

Silent disco party

And elsewhere in the J.C. Penney Conference Center students jumped into a silent disco, which allowed them to dance the night away together – to the music of their choosing.

Chili feed competition

The festivities continued Wednesday with the popular chili feed in the MSC’s Century Rooms, with attendees sampling five different recipes submitted by UMSL faculty and administrators. “Olivia’s Turkey Chili,” entered by the College of Arts and Sciences, took home this year’s Golden Ladle Award in the midst of what one staff member termed “some very heated competition.”

Father-daughter chili

There to enjoy the deliciousness alongside her dad was then-yet-to-be-named homecoming queen Sara Hilpert, who would end up with the crown at the Homecoming Dinner & Dance later in the week.

CANstruction creation

Nearby, she and other members of this year’s homecoming court stayed busy with CANstruction, which along with the chili feed benefited the Pagedale Family Support Center.

Lip sync competition

But the day was just getting started, with a much-anticipated lip sync competition putting the performing talents of various student groups and campus units to the test that night.

Office of Student Involvement choreography

The Office of Student Involvement put on an impressive show.

Stiff competition

In a nutshell, the competition was stiff.

Pack the Stands

On Thursday, all sorts of Tritons packed the stands in the Mark Twain Building gymnasium to cheer on the men’s and women’s basketball teams as they took on Missouri S&T.

A great shot

The crowd went wild as the women surged to a 64-51 victory.

But this is just a small sampling of all that went down during UMSL Homecoming 2017. For even more scenes from the week, take a look at the full album on Flickr.

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