Media Coverage: March 2018

by | Apr 2, 2018

Stories about the university, its scholars and their expertise are often covered by local and national news media. Media Coverage highlights some of the top stories.

UMSL Media Coverage

The University of Missouri–St. Louis makes a significant impact on the St. Louis area. Stories about the university, its scholars and their expertise are often covered by local and national news media.

Media Coverage highlights some of the top stories but does not serve as a comprehensive listing. Notice a clip we missed? Email us at

Joseph Anthony, political science PhD student
Politico Magazine: ranked choice voting

Marvin Berkowitz, Sanford N. McDonnell Endowed Professor in Character Education
St. Louis Business Journal: $3 million grant from the Kern Family Foundation

James Campbell, Professor of Management Science and Information Systems
Chemical & Engineering News: logistics and costs of snow disposal in cities

Steve Cash, business alumnus
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: third Paralympic gold medal in hockey

David Tak Wai Chiu, chemistry alumnus
Markets Insider: recognition for work in plastic surgery

Jim Craig, chair of the Department of Military and Veteran Studies
St. Louis Public Radio: women student veterans

Maurice Dawson, assistant professor of information systems
The St. Louis American: Fulbright Scholar Special Grant for a visit to Prince Sultan University in Saudi Arabia
Copperas Cove Leader Press: overcoming health setbacks to earn second doctorate degree

Sel Dibooglu, professor of economics
Cambridge Network: new model for measuring bank default risk

Greg Geisler, professor of accounting
New Jersey Herald: benefits of health savings accounts

Tom George, chancellor
The Hindu, Greater Kashmir and Telengana Today: dual degree programs between UMSL and Osmania University

Joel Glassman, academic director of International Studies and Programs
The Hindu and Telengana Today: dual degree programs between UMSL and Osmania University

Alan Heisel, professor of communication
St. Louis Public Radio: making it easier to transfer college credits in Missouri

Matt Hirschfeld, general studies alumnus
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: sketching “Scandal” cast farewell portrait

Beth Huebner, professor of criminology and criminal justice
St. Louis Public Radio: pretrial detention

Sue Jackson, education alumnus
St. Louis Business Journal: new director of schools at Miriam

Terry Jones, professor emeritus of political science
St. Louis Public Radio: remembering Mill Creek Valley

David Kimball, professor of political science
Politico Magazine: ranked choice voting
The Associated Press (via The Kansas City Star): Gov. Eric Greitens’ attacks on St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner

David Klinger, professor of criminology and criminal justice
KMOV: police actions in arrest of pregnant 17-year-old
EPeak: Alton Sterling police shooting Stephon Clark police shooting

Dan Lauer, founding executive director of UMSL Accelerate benefitting from an entrepreneurial approach

Janet Lauritsen, Curators’ Distinguished Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice
The Crime Report: centralizing the control of collecting crime statistics

Edward Lawrence, professor of finance
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: expense and risk of a city-owned bank

Tim Maher, teaching professor and undergraduate director of criminology and criminal justice
Very Smart Brothas: study on police sexual misconduct

Charlie McDonald, adjunct faculty member in communication and media
St. Louis Public Radio: new afternoon host

Chelsea Neuling, media studies student
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Ballpark Village challenging downtown businesses

Dave Robertson, Curators’ Teaching Professor and chair of the Department of Political Science
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Trump influence in the Missouri Senate race
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: legislators can go to school on state’s dime
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: St. Louis lagging among hardest-working cities
KSDK: gun laws in Missouri and Illinois
Springfield News-Leader: suspicion and distrust surrounding Gov. Eric Greitens
Columbia Heart Beat: looking back on Eric Greitens’ entry into politics

Marty Rochester, Curators’ Teaching Professor of Political Science
St. Louis Jewish Light: the challenge of saving democracy
Quad Cities Dispatch-Argus and River Cities’ Reader: World Affairs Council of the Quad Cities lecture

Richard Rosenfeld, Founders Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Miami Herald: potential connection between opioid use and crime
The Verge: barriers to gun violence research
Mother Jones: decline in crime in New York City

Bart Schulte, business alumnus
Lakes News Online: portfolio manager at Central Trust Company

Emily Staden, biology and biochemistry student
St. Louis Public Radio: women student veterans

Todd Swanstrom, E. Desmond Lee Endowed Professor in Community Collaboration and Public Policy
St. Louis Post-Dispatch and KSDK: St. Louis falling out of the top 20 metropolitan areas

Jacqueline Thompson, assistant professor of theatre
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: recognition for being one of St. Louis’ most versatile performers

Betty Van Uum, assistant to the chancellor for public affairs and economic development
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: moving forward with redevelopment plans near Express Scripts

Julio Zegarra-Ballon, business alumnus
Riverfront Times: Zee Bee Market expanding in Maplewood

Ameena Zia, PhD candidate
Daily Times: representation in Pakistan

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